Words of Affirmation and Power of Affirmation
Words of affirmation are so prevalent, important, and powerful but yet subtle, so subtle that people don't even notice it being the underlining governor inside our minds and in our life's experiences. Words of affirmation have conditioned us with techniques that most people have not even considered in their adult years.
For instance, we have been conditioned from school, through things like mathematics, to create problems for ourselves again and again. Through each of the different equations we had to get to solve all the many problem-solving questions that math teachers gave their students, and still are giving them today... we've been conditioned to generate problems for ourselves. https://sampangear6.mystrikingly.com/blog/the-true-power-of-affirmation is often converted into good if it forces us to find solutions to where our attention and focus are more steered toward solutions but unfortunately with the mental overwhelming of mind activity, and lack of concentration, we focus more on the problems and create more problems for ourselves.
But on a subconscious level we've seen the words "Problem Solving" so much inside our youth that people have hardwired our brains to search out and notice problems just to solve them for the chemical rush to be right, that may put us in a state to refining our skills for the reason that area. But most schools, as well of flooding students with problems to solve, have numerous intellectual commitments, assignments, test, exams, essay papers and several other things that keep carefully the mind at a constant turbulent multi tasking state.
This unfortunately makes it harder for kids to realize and expand their talents and concentration skills and interest because they are mentally tired from each of the requirements of problem solving. Whenever things appear to be going right, the minds is conditioned to seek out a problem that is hidden and the planet respond and bring us situations to cope with that we interpret as problems to resolve.
Very little attention was placed into concentration, contemplation, mental rehearsal and imagination. More of the attention was on problem solving and measuring apartness and separation and calculating reactions and implementing solutions. This could be effective if used rightly but we fail to ascend from the problematic limited thought process to the expressions of creativity, abundance and infinite possibilities means of thinking.
This same mentality has creeped in to the minds of all adults and the term job may be the new school for problem solving mechanisms with a couple form of "work". We have forgotten unconditional love and hardwired our families to be computers to survive in this tough financial problem solving society.
The love has been striped out of families for survival because on an unconscious level we have prepared and organized our brains to search out problems to resolve without us even knowing it which cripples the thought of enhancing and refining our skill to strategies and master challenges in a subconscious and automatic implicit method for a desired outcome using concentration and pure powerful thinking.
We seem to have already been stuck in a problem-seeking mode and when we get overwhelmed we continue vacation with the household to catch up on expressing love and life. Our spirit guide knows that it requires love to continue life's full expression rather our minds allow it or not. This is what creates the imbalance in our wholeness because our intent in mind is different than our intent in heart.